On-Demand & Virtual Training
Offered on a New Platform
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NHCAA Learn offers NHCAA members a single location to view, register, and access on-demand and virtual training programs. Whether you participate in a one-hour on-demand session, or a multi-session virtual training like our Schemes Program, you will find quality education that meets the ever-changing needs of the health care anti-fraud industry.
NHCAA Learn centralizes and streamlines the delivery of educational content and expands access to the education and training you depend on. The advantages of this new system:
- Access training at your convenience.
- Learn at your own pace.
Break learning into manageable blocks of time. - Save your place in a training with automatic bookmarking.
- Earn credits.
- Access certificates.
- Continue learning when travel budgets are limited.
Over time, the team at NHCAA will continue to expand the content available in NHCAA Learn to include self-study content, a library of research and white papers from our valued members, and short educational sessions.
Programs – may take place in-person, virtually, or in a hybrid environment. A program takes place over a day or several days and participants must attend a specific number of available sessions to earn credit for attending. One or more speakers lead each session of the program. Examples of programs include Enhancing Your Skills, Schemes for Health Care Fraud Investigators, and Strengthening Your Data Analytics.

On Demand – These courses and sessions will be available any time a learner is interested. Learners can watch videos, take quizzes, and participate in online discussions to earn credit. Content can be one (1) hour or a series of sessions packaged together.

Self-Study – This is on-demand content where the learner studies independently without an instructor. Material may include whitepapers or slides without instruction. Quizzes are included to determine content mastery for credit. An example of a self-study product is a Fraud Brief.

Insights – This on-demand content includes research, white papers, and webinars created by our NHCAA Platinum and Premier Members. Companies will share their knowledge and expertise on our greatest health care fraud challenges.