Call for Presentations

Do you have a health care anti-fraud skill or scheme to share? Can NHCAA members learn from your experiences or your expertise?

Submit a presentation idea to lead an educational session during 2025! This call for presentations is for NHCAA’s Skills, Schemes, webinars, and on-demand sessions. The 2025 Annual Training Conference Call for Presentations is now open. See tabs below for details and submission deadlines.

We’re looking for:

  • Anti-fraud professionals at all career stages – we can learn from your years of experience or your fresh perspective.
  • Experienced and non-experienced speakers – wow us with your well-tuned presentation skills or work with NHCAA staff to sharpen your presentation style.
  • Diversity of perspectives – we want to hear from analysts, investigators, managers, clinical staff, and others from different lines of business, geographic areas, and plan sizes.

Use the “submit here” links to share your idea for NHCAA’s 2025 Annual Training Conference and other programs. 

NHCAA’s 2025 Annual Training Conference
November 18-21
Gaylord Opryland, Nashville, TN

Submission Deadline: April 30
ATC Registration Opens: June 2


The Nation’s Premier Health Care Anti-Fraud Conference

It’s that time of year again to start planning for the NHCAA’s Annual Training Conference (ATC). This year we will be at the Gaylord Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee from November 18-21. As you’ve come to expect, ATC provides three days filled with motivating keynote speeches, over 60 educational sessions, multiple networking opportunities, and uncover new anti-fraud technologies in the Anti-Fraud Expo.

Begin preparing your submissions. A pdf version of the submission form is available to help you prepare.

Keep in mind the following areas we’re requesting on the submission form:

  • Session levels – The ATC continues to appeal to professionals with over 5 years of experience in the health insurance industry. As a result, we are only looking for submissions where the content is directed at an intermediate and experienced level.
    • Level II/ Intermediate – designed for individuals between 6-10 years 
    • Level III/ Experienced – designed for individuals with over 10 years of experience  
  • Data Analytics – The ATC Committee requests that all submissions include a description of how data is used in the investigation, what codes were identified, and what can be replicated in other investigations.  When submitting the abstract, provide the following information:
    • What data techniques were used to find the scheme?
    • How do you use analytics to drive an investigation?
    • What are the codes identified in this scheme (CPT, ICD-10, HCPCS, REV codes)?
  • Session takeaways – ATC evaluations continue to emphasize the need for information and skills that can be applied when attendees return to their offices. As a result, presenters must include a closing slide that identifies three (3) lessons that the audience can use back in the office on their investigations.
  • Presenters are asked to either create a one-page handout with session takeaways and codes discussed in the presentation OR provide a pdf of their presentation for attendees. NHCAA will ask that this be submitted before the conference. 

Member Benefits

NHCAA offers membership categories for health insurers, governmental entities, and other companies and organizations that support the NHCAA Mission, as well as individuals, who want to join us in the fight against health care fraud.


Log in to access the Member Center, track your educational credits, register for events, and more.