AHFI® Renewal

AHFI® Renewal

  • AHFI® renewal is due every three years. If you need to check your renewal date, please use the Member Center.
  • NHCAA will email an invoice to you. If you do not receive that email you can also download the invoice.
  • Check your transcript on a regular basis to ensure your eligibility requirements will be met. NHCAA will not back-date your participation in webinar programs.

AHFI® Renewal Criteria

  • A minimum of forty-eight (48) Continuing Education Credits
  • A minimum of twenty-four (24) of the forty-eight (48) credits must come from NHCAA trainings
  • AHFI® accredited individuals are required to complete a log listing those credits with the invoice
  • The cost to renew is $325
  • Renewal is due every three (3) years

Leaving the Industry or changing jobs?

If an AHFI® accredited individual is leaving the industry or changing jobs, the AHFI® can be put on hold. Please notify NHCAA at ahfi@nhcaa.org.
  • An AHFI® can be reinstated by notifying NHCAA. At that time, the maintenance criteria will reactivate and reinstatement fee of $325 is required.
  • The new renewal date will begin upon reinstatement of the AHFI®.

Are you retiring?

  • The cost to retain your AFHI credential if retired is $50 annually
  • Please contact NHCAA at ahfi@nhcaa.org so that your status can be updated accordingly.

Are you an individual member?

Please Note: Your AHFI® certification and membership renewal are two separate fees.
  • As an individual member your NHCAA membership renewal fee of $275 is due each year.
  • Your AHFI certification renewal fee of $325 is due every three years.
  • Your AHFI certification is not covered under your individual membership fees.

Member Benefits

NHCAA offers membership categories for health insurers, governmental entities, and other companies and organizations that support the NHCAA Mission, as well as individuals, who want to join us in the fight against health care fraud.


Log in to access the Member Center, track your educational credits, register for events, and more.
