About Us

Our Members

NHCAA is unique in our commitment to a private-public partnership in the fight against health care fraud. Providing a venue where private insurers and government entities can work together has always been critical to NHCAA’s Mission and success. The simple principle that we can accomplish more together than we can separately has been the backbone of NHCAA for more than a quarter century. Today, NHCAA counts among our members an overwhelming majority of the nation’s health insurers and frontline government agencies committed to combating health care fraud.

NHCAA has more than 100 members, including Member Organizations, Government Liaisons, Affiliate Members and Supporting Members. NHCAA also serves several hundred Individual Members from private health insurance companies and managed-care organizations, self-funded health insurance plans and federal, state and local law enforcement, administrative and regulatory agencies.

Join NHCAA! For more information, visit our Become a Member webpage.

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NHCAA Member Organizations

NHCAA Government Liaisons

NHCAA Affiliate Members

NHCAA Platinum Supporting Members

NHCAA Standard Supporting Members
