Precision Medicine Fraud: Understanding and Addressing Clinical Accuracy and Billing Irregularities Related to Genetic Testing

The new era of precision medicine is built primarily on the foundations of the genetic/genomic diagnostic testing industry. However, the National Institutes of Health warns that “most genetic tests today are not regulated, meaning that they go to market without any independent analysis to verify the claims of the seller.” Genetic/genomic tests with fraudulent technical and clinical claims from many laboratories have flourished in recent years, with billing fraud also plaguing the industry. The swiftness of advancing DNA sequencing technologies, and the complexity of these technologies, have resulted in a knowledge vacuum within the institutions that normally protect patients and other stakeholders from fraud, waste and abuse. This presentation will outline the primary modes of fraud perpetrated by many laboratories, and will describe the anti-fraud tools recently developed by the Center for Genomic Interpretation. (The Center for Genomic Interpretation is an independent nonprofit organization with the mission to save and improve lives through encouraging careful stewardship of clinical genetics, genomics and precision medicine).

Julie Eggington, MS, PhD

Co-founder & CEO
Center for Genomic Interpretation

Registration Information


Dues paying Member Organizations can designate up to two tuition-free registrations per webinar. Government Liaisons and Platinum and Premier Supporting Members can designate one tuition-free registration per webinar. All Individual Members, Supporting Members, and non-members (including local, state, and federal public agencies who are not Liaisons) need to submit a registration form and applicable payment.
NHCAA Member1 Government2 Non-Member3
$175 $175 $250
For both Tuition-Free and paid registrations additional webinar lines are $100.


Registration closes at 3:00 PM ET the day before the webinar.


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Details & FAQ

Webinar programs are most appropriate for beginning and mid-career analysts, investigators, consultants, and law enforcement agents working in the health care anti-fraud industry.

As a level II, or intermediate program, some investigative / health care / coding expertise is assumed. Training content is focused on the detection and investigative processes, using case examples to highlight strategy and techniques.

There are no pre-requisite requirements to attend webinar programs.

All webinars are approved by: NHCAA for 1.5 CPEs and NASBA for 1.5 CPEs

Participants earn 1.5 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours applicable to the training requirements for the Accredited Health Care Fraud Investigator (AHFI®) designation.

The NHCAA Institute is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:


NASBA Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & Applications


Webinars are delivered via Adobe Connect, one of the most secure virtual meeting platforms. You will need a computer, internet connection, and possibly a phone.

If this is your first time joining a meeting using Adobe Connect, please review our Technical Requirements & Troubleshooting for Adobe Connect webpage, which includes a link to test your system. Remember to download the Adobe Application for the best experience.

View our updated FAQ webpage to see if your webinar question has already been answered. If not, email the education team at

The event is finished.


Jul 08


Eastern Time
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
  • CPEs: 1.5


